
OC's Vernon campus overlooks Kalamalka Lake.

Vernon campus

With a dedicated learning community and relaxed atmosphere, the Vernon campus is the perfect place for students to kick-start their success. World-class instructors choose the Vernon campus as home because of their passion for teaching and the opportunity to get to know the students they teach.

Many professors are active in research, and have been published around the world 鈥 infusing classroom lectures with innovation and best practice that primes students for academic achievement. Residents benefit from the region鈥檚 array of four-season outdoor activities, from cycling on the Rail Trail to skiing and snowboarding at Silverstar Mountain only minutes away.

As a Vernon student, you will find intellectual challenges in a casual environment. Catch up with friends in the Kal View Caf茅 overlooking Kalamalka Lake, offering the best views of any post-secondary campus in Canada. Get some serious study time in under the branches of the fig tree inside the library. Meet new people with the Vernon Students鈥 Association, and connect with peers in Enactus 澳门六合彩开奖结果查询 College to work on entrepreneurial projects that make a tangible difference in the community. Learn from 澳门六合彩开奖结果查询-Silyx knowledge keepers in the Kalamalka Indigenous Garden, where native plant species support Indigenous healing practices, medicines and traditional remedies. Get your hands dirty in Patchwork Farms, a community garden project that supports the food bank and other local organizations.

Educational amenities on campus provide a comfortable place to focus on studies. The bustling Student Success Centre is a hub of supportive learning, where free tutoring is available. The Aboriginal Services Centre connects students with key resources and supports. If design and creative writing are your thing, The Bunker is a must-see: students work in the functioning letterpress printshop as part of the Writing & Publishing program and Kalamalka Press publication. For a more relaxing experience, book an appointment in the Spa Training Centre, where esthetics students provide manicures, pedicures, facials and massages at unbeatable rates.
Vernon students are poised and confident about their future prospects, and look forward to hanging out with you on campus.



Program spotlight

Early Childhood Education (ECE) Diploma

The Early Childhood Education program prepares students to work with young children in a variety of inclusive early childhood environments and to gain the required knowledge to work alongside children, interact with families and understand family units.

Explore the diploma

Early Childhood Educator working with children



澳门六合彩开奖结果查询 and courses


You can complete several programs in Vernon, or begin your studies on several credentials at the campus as well. Keep an eye out for programs that are offered on a rotating basis at the campus.


Arts, Business and Science programs allows you to select the individual courses you want to take. You can Browse Classes to find out what's coming up at your campus in your given subjects of interest.


There are options available in the community for students looking to relocate for their studies.

Services for students

Academic success for all

The Vernon campus offers a variety of services designed to support learners and their diverse needs.

Education Advising

Advisors help you plan your studies, including course selections, program requirements, transfer information and much more. Get started by booking an appointment Educator Advisor Kim Strilchuk , the online booking system. Kim can be reached by calling 250-545-7291, ext. 2261 or e-mailing kstrilchuk@okanagan.bc.ca.

Indigenous Services

As part of the College鈥檚 commitment to enhancing the participation of Indigenous learners, Indigenous services are available at each campus. Get started by booking an appointment to connect with an Indigenous Student Services Coordinator, by phoning 250-545-7291, ext. 2284 or . You can also contact by e-mail at indigenous@okanagan.bc.ca. The Indigenous Centre is located in Student Lounge area of B Building (second floor above the cafeteria).

Accessibility Services

Accessibility Services provides equal access to educational opportunities for students with disabilities at the College. Get started by visiting the Vernon Administration (A Building), or book an appointment with an Accessibility Coordinator

Library Services

The library is home to a large collection of print and digital materials, 30 workstations, 3 bookable group study rooms, printer/scanner, laptop rentals, a magnificent view and more! Research and citation help is provided in person and online. Library hours may vary so be sure to view the library webpage for up to date information. For more information, call the Vernon Campus Library's direct line at 250-503-2654.

Student Success Centre

The Student Success Centre offers free tutoring in Math, Science, English and Writing. With learning coordinators on site, you can receive one-on-one help. Drop-in help is available for math and science. For English and writing, appointments take priority. The centre is located in D314 and C311. 

Book an appointment:

Financial aid and awards

There are resources available to help you with the cost of education. The Financial Aid and Awards Office can help you identify what options are available to you, such as:

  • Student loans: this is funding the student is required to repay.
  • Awards: Awards are funding types that the student does not have to repay. These include scholarships, bursaries and grants.
  • Other funding: Other funding may be available for emergencies, upgrading and former youth in care.

The Financial Aids and Awards office is located in Vernon Administration (A Building). Call 250-545-7291, ext. 2209.  To email the office, make sure to include your full name and OC Student ID #:

You can also book an appointment with someone from the Financial Aid and Awards office .

Helping Indigenous learners

The Vernon campus is located on the unceded territory of the Syilx-澳门六合彩开奖结果查询 people.

As part of the College鈥檚 commitment to enhancing the participation of Indigenous learners, Indigenous Services provide culturally relevant support to students including visiting Elders, cultural and academic workshops, Indigenous Peer Mentors, Indigenous awards/scholarships and bursaries, assistance with band funding applications, personalized supports and computer access. The Indigenous Services team also organizes regular cultural activities, events and potlucks to connect students and community.

Get started:

  • Stop by the Indigenous Centre, located in the Student Lounge area, second floor of B Building (above the cafeteria).
  • Book an appointment with an Indigenous Student Services Coordinator, through the .
  • Connect by phoning  250-545-7291, ext. 2284 or emailing indigenous@okanagan.bc.ca.

Health and wellness

Resources are available to support your physical, mental and emotional health and wellness.

Counselling services

Personal, emotional and academic problems can be a normal part of student life. OC Counselling Services provides professionally trained counsellors and other resources to help students cope with problem areas. Book an appointment through OC counselling services. Counselling Services is located in D368.

Community resources are also available to support you:

Sexual Violence Support

澳门六合彩开奖结果查询 College is committed to fostering supportive campuses which promote assistance, intervention and consent. If you have been affected by sexual violence or know someone who needs assistance, we are here to help with support, information and resources.

Move your body

Making time for physical activity on a regular basis has a number of physical and mental health benefits. The Vernon campus has a Fitness Centre featuring several exercise machines and workout equipment. Hours of operation from September to end of term April are 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. from Monday through Thursday and 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday.  Gym is closed weekends and holidays and July and August.

Stop by Vernon Administration (A Building) for access; cost is a one-time $10 fee for ongoing access via Salto card.

The adjacent to the campus is operated by the City of Vernon. The synthetic running track is open to walkers and runners from dawn to dusk, and is free to use.

Take a break

The  offers a variety of events and activities throughout the year, helping you unwind, relax and meet new friends. Get started by dropping by their office in C312, call 250-306-2891 or email ereist@okanagan.bc.ca

Making the most of your college experience

Activities are vital components of successful, rewarding and enjoyable college experiences. Meet new people, have fun and make connections.

Get involved

The  (VSAOC) strives to meet the needs of students attending the Vernon campus. Some of the services provided by VSAOC include:

  • student extended health and dental plan
  • student advocacy
  • snack food sales
  • bus passes
  • student food bank and Good Food Box program
  • job boards
  • student events and activities

The VSAOC office is in C312. Contact them by calling 250-306-2891 or emailing ereist@okanagan.bc.ca

Get active

Making time for physical activity on a regular basis has a number of physical and mental health benefits. The Vernon campus has a Fitness Centre featuring several exercise machines and workout equipment. Hours of operation are 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. from Monday through Thursday and 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday. Gym is closed weekends and holidays and July and August. Stop by Vernon Administration (A Building) for access; cost is a one-time $10 fee for ongoing access via Salto card.

The adjacent to the campus is operated by the City of Vernon. The synthetic running track is open to walkers and runners from dawn to dusk, and is free to use.


Work experience and opportunities

Apply your learning and gain valuable experience.

  • Co-op Education is paid work in the field the student is studying. Students alternate academic terms with relevant work experience. Connect with the Co-op Office about the requirements and applications.
  • Employers can hire OC grads by posting jobs on the College job board.
  • On-campus student positions: check out 澳门六合彩开奖结果查询 College's student job board for opportunities available at the College. 
  • The College hosts several career fairs to showcase employment opportunities to students and grads, as well as people considering what programs to take. Check out the Event Calendar for a full listing.



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Vernon campus
Vernon campus
Vernon campus
Vernon campus
Vernon campus







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Have your questions answered by an education advisor or future student facilitator. 


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